Forming communities

Maria Spiteri
3 min readJun 8, 2021


So what is today's topic? Well after doing a deep dive on social media in relation on mental health, how about we do something different today?

Instead of talking about the scary reality of what social media does to you, let’s talk about some good qualities on social media and how you can benefit when using social media.

In today’s modern day and age, having a strong online presence in the form of a social media page, can be on of the best things you can do for your business and for customers. Consumers need to be able to find your socials and what you are selling with just one click.

Overall having an online presence improves your business. It enhances accessibility as client or consumers tend to do online research before buying something. This is usually done through a google search as it can be an effortless way of browsing through prices or even compare services, overall it provided them with information they are looking for.

By using websites and social channels, you can instantly increase your customer base. What does this mean? Well, it’s using your business to reach an audience. It makes it easier for a business to be discovered by customers who don’t yet know about it but who are interested in what you offer. It also helps you showcase what you offer, your products and services. This can be done in order to spark interest with others and in doing so you can share success stories from other satisfied customers, because we like nothing more than to see other people satisfied and gaining the same experience they had.

It is essentially the most effective form of marketing as well as most affordable, as anyone with a device that has social channels can do it. Having it online also increases the chances of your content being shared so look at it as if people are unintentionally working for you as they spread what you offer with more people. And with such interaction with customers, it also helps build relationships. Social media as we discussed before is all about socialising with other people and building relationships. It is an opportunity to communicate and connect with consumers and target audience. In this case you get to build trust, confidence and loyalty, which will then also improve you customer service, as now you have a channel where you can get instant feedback which helps you resolve any issues.

This blog post took a different turn to what I wrote beforehand, but it's important to understand that using social media is not always bad. It can be very helpful for business and companies. Remember social media is not the bad guy, it's a matter of how you use it makes it good or bad.


Currin, B. (2018). The Importance Of Having An Online Presence. Retrieved 5 June, 2021, from

